20 Cool Low Taper Fade Haircuts for Men

by Hong Diep
Lower taper Mohawk

20 Cool Low Taper Fade Haircuts for Men

Some fades are daring and demand attention, fading close to the scalp or reducing to skin level, and then some are subtle and wearable like the low taper fade. The appeal of the low taper fade is that it starts around just above the ears, creating less contrast. It is ideal for giving your haircut structure and will make it look neat and polished. It can also highlight the hair on the top of the head, making it appear thicker and fuller. The beauty of this fade is that it can be worn with all hair textures, and you can adapt it to suit the haircut of your choice. If you are looking for a great addition to any hairstyle, or a way to make your hair feel fresh and modern, you need a low taper fade.


What is a low taper?

A low taper is a type of fade. It is defined by hair gradually shortening, starting around ear level to the nape of the neck. This fade is more subtle and easier to wear, creating less contrast but still giving the hair structure.

How do you ask for a low taper?

If you want a low taper, the best way to communicate this to your barber is to bring in pictures for reference. You can also discuss with him what you want from your hairstyle, including where you want the fade to start and how long you want the hair at the top of the head to be. Together, you will find a look that complements your face shape, hair texture and type, and preference.

What’s the difference between a high and low taper?

The difference between a high and low taper fade is where the fade begins. With a low taper fade, the hair gradually shortens just above the ears. On a high taper fade, the sides of the hair will still get gradually shorter, but it begins much higher on the head, around two inches above the ear, in contrast to around one inch with the low taper. Both fades are appealing depending on the look you want to achieve, and both will add structure to your hairstyle.

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