26 Gorgeous Hair Color Ideas Women Over 60 Are Getting

by Hong Diep
ash blonde chin bob on mature ladies aged sixty

26 Gorgeous Hair Color Ideas Women Over 60 Are Getting

As we journey through life, our hair and skin transform, and the hues that once complemented us may not be as becoming anymore. Enter Elaine Travis, a distinguished expert in the realm of color, who graciously imparts her wealth of knowledge and wisdom on guiding women aged 60 and above towards discovering the ideal hair color that enhances their natural beauty. This captivating interview grants us an exclusive glimpse into Travis’ invaluable insights, covering topics ranging from hair colors to effective maintenance and the significance of consultations.

Choosing the Right Hair Color

According to Travis, one of the biggest challenges is when women cling to the cut and color they’ve had their whole lives. To find the ideal hair color for women over 60, she emphasizes the importance of considering their evolving skin tone. Travis explains, “As we age, our skin tone changes, and deep dark brown or bleach blonde hair may no longer be the most flattering choice.”

To create a custom hair color formulation, she takes into account the client’s eye color and skin tone. Determining whether the skin leans towards yellow or pink helps identify warm or cool undertones. The color of the eyes and flecks within them also influences the choice of blonde shades to avoid brassiness.

Maintaining Hair Colors

Travis stresses the significance of proper aftercare to maintain the vibrancy and shine of hair colors for women over 60. She shares her observation of clients investing in luxurious handbags but hesitating to purchase professional shampoos and conditioners to maintain their color, claiming it’s “too expensive.” Travis recommends using high-quality products specifically designed for color-treated hair to address this.

One of her favorites is Virtue, known for its ability to strengthen hair. Additionally, she highlights the importance of sticking to a color retouch schedule to prevent banding. Stretching out appointments might seem cost-effective initially, but it often leads to more expensive corrective color situations.

Effective Communication with Your Colorist/Stylist

Open communication between women over 60 and their colorist/stylist is crucial for a successful hair color transformation. Travis emphasizes the importance of thorough color consultations beyond showing a Pinterest photo to the stylist.

The focus should be discussing the maintenance requirements to achieve and sustain the desired look. For instance, Travis mentions that she refrains from performing global bleaching services unless the client agrees to regular retouches every three weeks. If this level of maintenance doesn’t align with their preferences, alternative approaches using intentional dimensions are explored.

Furthermore, Travis encourages women to discuss the cost of the service upfront, ensuring transparency and avoiding any surprises at the end. By providing two options according to the client’s budget, Travis helps alleviate the anxiety of unexpected expenses.

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